September 2022 Newsletter


If you've somehow missed it, What We Owe The Future by Big Willy MacAskill was released this month. Expect an announcement for a book club before too long
To go along with Nick being obsessed with stickers of his own name, we have EA stickers!
Let us know if you would like a few.
Here's one that we put on the first object we found so you get an idea for size


Retreat this month! It’s not too late to get your place - reply to this email for more info. It’s taking place on 30th September to 2nd October (Friday-Sunday). We have booked an accommodation which sleeps 12 (with 5 spots already taken, though there could potentially be space for more if there was high demand). 

The location is in Devon, near Braunton which is about 15 minutes from the beach. We've got a number of activities planned, including working on a project together, having talks and workshops. We also have a pool table and a hot tub there with games planned, so it’s sure to be a lot of fun as well as educational!

Recent Events

Our most recent pub meetup was a great success, with regulars and new members showing up and lots of funny and insightful discussion.
This month we celebrated our 10th Chat and Plan (a monthly organising meeting, open to everyone). Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to get down to the chat and plan together at the same time, so we also celebrated it at the Study Hall event.
As is tradition whenever an organisation gets sufficiently large and important (such as the cahtolic church, universities or the army), silly hats are necessary, hence the party hats.

Upcoming Events


This EA Bristol Events are also on our group or Facebook page and discussed on our WhatsApp group 

Every Saturday
  • 9:00 Park Run - please note that we encourage people to go to either of the locations for Park Run, but can't guarantee that anyone will be there to meet!
  • 10:45 Study Hall - As above, we can't guarantee that there will be anyone to meet at the study hall.
Every Monday
  • 9:00 Monday Meditation - join us and the university Soc for guided meditation - This event doesn't run every week - it's decided in our WhatsApp group
One off Events




Community News

If you're new to EA in the UK you can sign up for a 1-1 chat here, there is also a community directory and a volunteering sign up form

Interesting posts

One of our members wrote an EA forum post about a piece of history they find really interesting- a movement that saved several thousand childrens' lives during World War 2


For some lighter reading, you may enjoy this one from the archives - A Common Sense Guide to Doing the Most Good by cthulhuraejepsen (Pen name of Alexander Wales, who has written some other fiction that you should check out)

This is the EA answer to “If Batman wanted to help, why doesn’t he just give his money to charity?”, except it’s Superman. It’s a tight 5-10 minute read which we know you’ll enjoy.

If you've got 20 minutes to get into the nitty gritty of some research about what works when talking about EA, you can't do much better than this video. Grace Adams from Giving What We Can covers why we need to spread the ideas of effective altruism, the principles Giving What We Can uses to spread EA ideas, what has worked well in the past, some preliminary results and insights from recent marketing tests completed and how individuals can best share these ideas.

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